
Animal bulk...

...& first post of spring time ! At least !
I recently discovered a strangely proportioned animal : the serval !
So here you go, in those weird scribbles of animals, a whole page of it ! Hope you'll enjoy :P

4 commentaires:

L Rossi a dit…

That certainly was enjoyable :)
That moose is gorgeous...
(now there's a funny sentence)
Hope you have been enjoying your time off!

Mapie Demessant a dit…

Zut, je vais devoir mettre à jour du coup!

C'est cool, marguerite :)

Euyevair a dit…

Tu me donneras l'adresse de ton servical, il a l'air sympa.

ibby k a dit…

nice little pics anne, the moose is awesooooooooome. Like it way mucho.

anymore? :D