

Something really special I participated to, initiated by my friend LN for our Gobelins'friends who got married :} We printed a book out of it ! Great experience ! You can find all the illustrations here : Todd+Karina



A red Grisegonelle, a forest scenery and a fox ! Would you ask for more ? Well you can, I'm actually working on it ! Please be patient ! I'll be back asap ! :D
(that's a really rough sketch...!!!)


Dr Sketchy & me

We had a really nice time at the quai Branly thanks to Dr Sketchy, from martial arts (not enough though !! ;)) to japanese styled girls, and the atmosphere was electrified by a nice DJ, that was thrilling ! Hope you'll like my littl'sketches !


Sweet dreams...

Something inspired by a classmate's pic taken while she was standing by her animation table. She doesn't look like that at all, but the pic was really nice, made me want to try that ^^ Bonne nuit !


Winter's coming...

Une fois n'est pas coutume, je me persuade de ne pas laisser -mourir- ce blog tranquille ! I have loads of things to update but didn't have the time yet to select what to keep... Despite my bad habit of non-updating, I'm still hoping but mainly trying to make a change ! Never give up ! :D


I want to do more watercolors those days...
& a fox for "On ne connait bien que ce qu'on apprivoise..."


Les Bustes de Daumier, au musée d'Orsay, auxquels j'aime particulièrement rendre visite ! Les autres sont à voir dans mon portfolio ^^



Unbelievable but yeah I'm still alive. Waiting -still- for the right time to update !
But I'm glad to show you those old weird things saved by LN ! (I'm very grateful
to her since I've lost all my files in a very tragic hard drive crash. Still hurts to know I've lost 5 years of my life. Kinda... SO BE CAREFUL PEOPLE ! :)
Make loads of backups !) Ja matta ! =)