Who thought I would ever post anything again on that over-dying blog ? Well, well God has mercy ! :D Sometimes miracles do happen... And maybe there'll be some more those days ! For those who are still curious about little Dumans' whereabouts ! So this is just a little project Loulouln offered me to work on with her, and even if it was just for one character, I really enjoyed it, so hopefully, won't be the last project done together :]
I'm aware that they do need loads of improvements, but I'd rather do some new stuff than re-work on thoses. Anyway ! Needed to 'undust', to revival ! That damnit blog of mine !!!! [oh yeah and don't be shocked people ! :D the first one is a (study) view from my mind, but the portrait is actually a real person :p]
Just this once will not hurt : a photography ! Cos' I also love to take photos.. I took these ones when I was in Bournemouth (UK). This is the kind of Trinity I want to believe in... Yeah, of course it felt funny&weird !
Ô Dahut, ô Ahès, qu'est-il advenu de toi après que ton royaume ait été englouti par les flots ? On dit qu'elle fût condamnée à errer les Abysses... Je me complais à penser qu'elle est devenue princesse des Mers, moitié Gorgone, moitié humaine.